Janata Udyam Vikas Loan

$img_titleLoan Amount:Maximum 30 Lacs for Mumbai, Pune & P.C.M.C. area & 20 Lacs for other areas
$img_titleRate of Interest:Click here for Interest Rates
$img_titlePeriod Of Repayment:7 years (Max) with moratorium facility
$img_titleGuarantor:One only
$img_titleEligibility:Fresher / Serviceman with professional Degree Holder
$img_titlePurpose Of Loan:For Purchase of Office premises, Furniture for procuring professional equipment\'s (Except Vehicle)
$img_titleApplication Contribution:5% of total project cost
$img_titleSeed Cap Loan:20% of project cost
$img_titleTerms Loan:75% of project cost