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Sanjay Mukund Lele
I, take this opportunity to have a maiden direct communication, as a chairman of the Bank, with our Shareholders, Customers, Well-wishers, dedicated staff and Public at a large through this medium; my heart is full of emotions while communicating with you and I have strong fervor to share my emotions with you.
Banking is the oldest profession or business on the earth, it deals with money and since money is medium of exchange and medium of storing value, it get prominence in human life, therefore money has got emotional value also. We at the Janata Bank, we value the customer’s emotions about their hard earned money, therefore we strive to protect the interest of our customers, which is our paramount obligation. The Bank has adopted standard codes set by Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) to safeguard the interest of the customers as well as to render the services along with transparency.
We have directed all our efforts to achieve customer pleasure. We believe in long standing relationship with our customers. On the strong footing of customer relationship Bank has made turnaround and emerged as a strong bank, which is history in the Banking sector.
We are boast to be a Co –operative bank, which is established for common people of the society, Bank has created history of making common men to a successful businessman through its timely financial assistance, besides Bank has also bring rejoice in the Middle and lower middle class of the society through its customer centric easy and economical Loan Schemes. Therefore our mission statement is “Big Bank of Small People”. And going ahead with our mission statement, we are fully committed to financial inclusion by making available banking services to the society at large.
Indian Economy is passing through the tumultuous phase. Government is making adventurous financial reforms which is bringing Change in present systems. Bank has taken this Challenge as an opportunity, Bank has crafted a strategy to tackle all financial challenges being faced by the Urban Co-Operative banking sector.
Banking sector is most dynamic and growing sector of the economy, after adopting information technology, delivery channels of the banking services has galloped and is available 24*7 to its customer and also become catalyst for economic development of the country and vehicle for digital revolution as well. In view of the significance of technology. Janata Bank is always two steps ahead in adopting latest available technology. Bank is having its own Data-Centre, it is accredited with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013, which establishes the security of information Assets. Bank has recently launched its own Unified Payment interface (UPI) under the brand name “BHIM JETPAY”. I trust that “BHIM JETPAY” will play significant role in digital payment mechanism, as envisaged by the Government.
Bank is offering entire spectrum of financial services under one roof, we may say that our Bank’s branch is the financial services Super market. Bank is providing other services in the field of Shares and Insurance Depository through NSDL, CDSL & CIRL, Trustee & Executorship, Life and General Insurance product, Mutual Funds, and PAN Card Registration. Bank has taken care that, once the customer enters the branch, he/she need not be require to go anywhere for seeking banking and financial services.
Since last 4 years Bank’s branch network is expanded to 71 branches and business mix crossed 14000 crore mark on March 2019.
We feel that, Janata Bank is a part of Society, and it definitely indebted towards the society. Therefore actively supporting self-help groups and women entrepreneurs. The Bank and its employees have helped the victims during mishaps or natural calamities like flood, earthquakes. The Bank honors social institutes rendering yeoman services in social field, with award “Moropant Pingle Smriti Janata Bank Puraskar” that is being given in commemoration of its founder member Late Shri Moropant Pingle.
Once again I express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Benefactors of the bank and looking forward for the same patronage and cemented relationship in future.
Sanjay Mukund Lele.