Code of Conduct for Depositories
A Depository shall:
- Always abide by the provisions of the SEBI Act,
1992 Depositories Act, 1996, any Rules or Regulations framed thereunder,
circulars, guidelines and any other directions issued by the Board from time to
- Adopt appropriate due diligence measures.
- Take
effective measures to ensure implementation of proper risk management framework
and good governance practices.
- Take appropriate measures towards investor
protection and education of investors.
- Treat all its applicants/members in
a fair and transparent manner.
- Promptly inform SEBI of violations of the
provisions of the SEBI Act, 1992 the Depositories Act, 1996, rules,
regulations, circulars, guidelines or any other directions by any of its issuer
or issuer’s agent.
- Take a proactive and responsible attitude towards
safeguarding the interests of investors, integrity of depository’s systems and
the securities market.
- Endeavor for introduction of best business
practices amongst itself and its members.
- Act in utmost good faith and shall avoid conflict
of interest in the conduct of its functions.
- Not indulge in unfair competition, which is likely
to harm the interests of any other Depository, their participants or investors
or is likely to place them in a disadvantageous position while competing for or
executing any assignment.
- Segregate roles and responsibilities of key
management personnel within the depository including
a. Clearly mapping legal and regulatory
duties to the concerned position
b. Defining delegation of powers to each
c. Assigning regulatory, risk management
and compliance aspects to business and support teams
- Be responsible for the acts or omissions of its
employees in respect of the conduct of its business.
- Monitor the compliance of the rules and regulations
by the participants and shall further ensure that their conduct is in a manner
that will safeguard the interest of investors and the securities market.