Dos and Don’ts for Investors:

03 Jan 2025 12:52:51
Sl No.
 1  Always deal with a SEBI registered Depository Participant for opening ademat account.
 2  Read all the documents carefully before signing them.
 3  Before granting Power of attorney to operate your demat account to an intermediary like Stock Broker, Portfolio Management Services (PMS) etc.,carefully examine the scope and implications of powers being granted.
 4 Always make payments to registered intermediary using banking channels.
No payment should be made in name of employee of intermediary.
 5 Accept the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) book from your DP only (pre-printed with a serial number along with your Client ID) and keep it in safe custody and do not sig nor issue blank orpartially filled DIS slips.

Always mention the details like ISIN, number of securities accurately. Incase of any queries, please contact your DP or broker and it should besigned by all demat account holders.
Strike out any blank space on the slip and Cancellations or corrections on the DIS should be initialed or signed by all the account holder (s).

Do not sign blank DIS as it is equivalent to a bearer cheque

 6 Inform any change in your Personal Information (for example address or Bank Account details,email ID, Mobile number) linked to your dematac count in the prescribed format and obtain confirmation of updationin
 7 Mention your Mobile Number and email ID in account opening form to receive SMS alerts and regular updates directly from depository
 8 Always ensure that the mobile number and email ID linked to your demat account are the same as provided at the time of account opening/updssation.
 9 Do not share password of your online trading and demat account with anyone.
 10 Do not share One Time Password (OTP) received from banks, brokers,etc.
These are meant to be used by you only
 11 Do not share login credentials of e-facilities provided by the depositories suchase-DIS/demat gate way, SPEED-e/easiest etc.with anyone else.
 12 Dematis mandatory for any transfer of securities of Listed public limited companies with few exceptions.
 13  If you have any grievance in respect of your demat account, please write to designated email IDs of depositories or you may lodge the same with SEBI
online at
 14  Keep are cord of documents signed,DIS issued and account statements Received.
 15 As Investors you are required to verify the transaction statement carefully forall debits and credits in your account. In case of any unauthorized debit or credit, informthe DP or your respective Depository.
 16 Appoint anominee to facilitate your he irs in obtaining the securities in your demat account,on completion of the necessary procedures.
 17 Register for Depository's internet based facility or download mobile app of the depository to monitor your holdings.
 18 Ensure that,both,your holding and transaction statements are received
Periodically as instructed to your DP.You are entitled to receive a transaction statement every month if you have any transactions.
 19 Do not follow her d mentality for investments. Seek expert and professional advice for your investments
 20 Beware of assured/fixed returns.
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